SCS visits Civil Engineering and Development Department (with photos)

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Paul Tang, visited the Civil Engineering and Development Department this afternoon (February 22) to learn more about the work of the department and to take the opportunity to meet staff.

     Accompanied by the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Raymond Wong, Mr Tang first met the Director of Civil Engineering and Development, Mr Hon Chi-keung, and the department's directorate staff to gain greater insight into its engineering projects and organisational structure.

     Mr Tang said he was glad to learn that the department was actively undertaking various infrastructural projects to meet Hong Kong's needs, while at the same time offering excellent engineering services in the community to create a safe, green and sustainable environment.

     During his tour of the Landslip Preventive Measures Division, Mr Tang noted that under the current Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, the department screened government man-made slopes and natural hillsides for potential risk and carried out prevention works to enhance public safety. Greening treatments were included as part of the projects for a better landscape outlook.

     Mr Tang then proceeded to the Land Works Division, which is responsible for implementing site formation and road works projects and also the Greening Master Plans (GMP). He noted that in accordance with the GMP, the professional staff had taken account of the local characteristics and public aspirations of various districts before drawing up the overall greening framework for a better living environment. In addition to recommending planting locations and suitable species, staff also provided engineering guidance on the greening works.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Tang met staff representatives of various grades at a tea gathering to exchange views on related issues. He encouraged staff to continue doing their part to contribute to the development of Hong Kong by offering professional and high quality service.

Ends/Friday, February 22, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:15