Reception held to celebrate Chinese New Year in Seattle (English only) (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco hosted a reception in Seattle, Washington, today (February 20, Seattle time) to celebrate the Year of the Snake.

     Addressing the guests at the reception, the Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco, Ms Subrina Chow, said that Washington State remains one of Hong Kong's key trade partners. In 2012, more than US$2.15 billion of merchandise was exported from Washington to Hong Kong.

     Hong Kong's wine business is going strong. With Washington being a prominent wine-producing region, Ms Chow said she would like to see more Washington wines traded and enjoyed in Hong Kong.

     In addition to developing new strengths as a trade hub, Hong Kong is seeking to grow new economic sectors in which the city enjoys unique advantages. "Our universities have worked their way up to the forefront of the world league. They, together with our private enterprises and research facilities, are making exciting advances in innovation and technology," she said.

     Also speaking at the reception was the Commissioner for Economic and Trade Affairs, USA, Mr Donald Tong. He said Hong Kong is the United States' 10th largest export destination. "Amidst an increasingly competitive, and at times unpredictable, global economic environment, our economy continued to show positive growth last year, thanks to a high degree of economic resilience made possible by our devotion to free market principles, and commitment to the rule of law under the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle.

     "Among those initiatives to promote economic and financial services development, the Hong Kong Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, has set up the Economic Development Commission to broaden the city's economic base and identify industries which present new opportunities for our economic growth.

     "Mr Leung also established the Financial Services Development Council to explore ways to enhance our status as China's global financial centre, including the growing offshore Renminbi business in Hong Kong," Mr Tong said.

     This reception was the second reception hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco to celebrate the Chinese New Year on the West Coast of the United States.

Ends/Thursday, February 21, 2013
Issued at HKT 15:28