HK technological product wins international award (with photo)

     EasyHear, a Hong Kong technological product, scooped the Chairman's Award in the World Information Technology Services Alliance (WITSA) Global ICT Excellence Awards 2012 at the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) in Montreal on October 23 (Montreal time). The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (October 24) extended congratulations to the winning organisation.

     "'EasyHear' has made a remarkable breakthrough in technical challenges that conventional hearing aids face. This is a well-deserved recognition. We are proud of the outstanding achievement of our homegrown developer," Mr So said.

     Developed by the Logital Company Limited, EasyHear can differentiate human voices from others. It allows persons with hearing impairment and the elderly to listen clearly and comfortably in noisy environments such as restaurants and streets. It was nominated by the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation for the WITSA award, after winning the Best Digital Inclusion Grand Award in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012.

     WITSA is a consortium of over 80 ICT organisations around the world. The WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards honour achievements in the use of information technology around the globe. The Chairman's Award is presented to the most outstanding technological products or organisations selected from the entire pool of candidates.

Ends/Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Issued at HKT 13:21