August's monthly average ovitrap index rises

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) announced today (September 21) that the monthly average ovitrap index for August climbed to 7.2 per cent from 5.7 per cent in July.

     "The public should stay alert to the risk of mosquito-transmitted diseases and step up anti-mosquito measures as the current rainy season is favourable to mosquito breeding," an FEHD spokesman said.

     The ovitrap indices reflect the prevalence of Aedes albopictus, a mosquito vector for dengue fever transmission.

     Among the 44 areas surveyed last month, positive ovitrap indices were recorded in 42 areas. Among them, the index of Kwun Tong Central reached 26.4 per cent, exceeding the alert level of 20 per cent.

     An inter-departmental anti-mosquito response mechanism has been activated in that area, the spokesman said.

     In addition to the regular weekly programme, the FEHD would clear potential mosquito breeding grounds in public places and apply larvicides to stagnant water where appropriate, he said. It would also handle mosquito complaints promptly and take out prosecutions under the relevant ordinance against mosquito breeding.

     The government departments concerned have also stepped up inspections and measures to enhance environmental hygiene in areas within their ambits. The aim is to eliminate existing and potential mosquito breeding grounds.

     "Furthermore, relevant departments have individually notified the groups that had voluntarily subscribed to the ovitrap rapid alert system when the Area Ovitrap Index reached the alert level.

     "Subscribers have been invited to post specially designed alert notices in the commonly used parts of their premises to urge occupants and staff to take mosquito prevention and control measures promptly," the spokesman said.

     As for the port areas, the monthly ovitrap index for August rose to 0.6 per cent from 0.4 per cent in July.

     The spokesman advised the public and estate management bodies to scrub all drains and surface sewers, and to limewash them with an alkaline detergent compound at least once a week to remove any mosquito eggs.

     They should also keep drains free of blockage and fill up all depressions to prevent puddles from forming.

     People should inspect their homes and surroundings to remove potential breeding grounds, scrub vases and pot plant saucers at least once a week, properly dispose of containers such as soft drink cans and lunch boxes, and drill large holes in unused tyres, the spokesman said.

     "After rainfall, they should immediately remove water from balconies, rooftops and courtyards," he added.

     The ovitrap indices and information on anti-mosquito measures under the Anti-mosquito Weekly Inspection Programme are available on the department website at

Ends/Friday, September 21, 2012
Issued at HKT 16:01