Eligible bodies may book sports facilities provided by holders of Private Recreational Leases

     In Hong Kong, some non-profit-making sports organisations, including social and welfare organisations, uniformed groups and "national sports associations", have developed and operate recreational and sports facilities on land granted by the Government under Private Recreational Leases (PRLs). The holders of PRLs have been working with different organisations and bodies to help promote sports in Hong Kong through the use of these facilities.

     The types of recreational and sports facilities provided by holders of PRLs are diverse and include facilities which are seldom available in government venues for sports like cricket, lawn bowls, golf, softball and rowing.

     The following eligible bodies may contact the holders of PRLs direct to book their recreational and sports facilities during the designated time slots for sporting use:

* schools registered under the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279);
* non-governmental organisations receiving subvention from the Social Welfare Department;
* uniformed groups and youth organisations receiving subvention from the Home Affairs Bureau; and
* "national sports associations" recognised by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and relevant international federations.

     For information on the existing facilities provided by holders of PRLs and the method of enquiry, please visit the website of the Home Affairs Bureau (www.hab.gov.hk/en/other_information/prls.htm).

Ends/Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Issued at HKT 12:21