International Arts Carnival brings summer fun to all(with photos)

     This summer, the International Arts Carnival (IAC) will bring a splendid array of entertaining and meaningful programmes to all. Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the annual summer arts festival will run from July 6 to August 19 and will feature over 430 events for family enjoyment.

     In this year's carnival, 11 performing groups from the Mainland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Estonia, Canada, Spain and Italy, along with 21 local groups, will take part in acrobatics, music, dance, magic, puppet theatre, multimedia theatre, musicals, theatre for toddlers, electroluminescent puppetry, physical comedy and forums, and films will also be screened.

     Opening the festival will be "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by the Estonian National Ballet. Combining captivating choreography with wonderful acting, remarkable dance skills, fireworks and video projections, the show will offer an engaging new take on the classic tale "Snow White". The show is also one of the programmes to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

     The awe-inspiring "Splendid" by the China National Acrobatic Troupe is also among the 15th anniversary celebration presentations. Merging traditional skills with contemporary ones, the performance will feature contortionist routines, plate spinning, tumbling through hoops, bicycle balancing and more to deliver a show of breathtaking acrobatic feats.

     This year's carnival will introduce the "Eco-Friend" thematic series, featuring a variety of programmes promoting environmental awareness and enhancing children's concern for the Earth. These include the music programme "The Sound of Bamboo Music" by the Beijing Green Bamboo Orchestra, the multimedia puppetry show "Harmony" by Thˆmâtre de la Dame de Coeur from Canada, and the musical theatre production "The Eight Immortals' Adventure Prequel" by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre.

     Other attractive programmes will include:
     - Theatre for toddlers in "White" by Catherine Wheels Theatre Company (UK);
     - Electroluminescent puppetry in "The Ugly Duckling & The Tortoise and The Hare"
       by Lightwire Theater (US);
     - Multimedia theatre in "Short-nosed Elephant Xiao Xiao" by Jumbo Kids Theatre and Theatre Horizon;
     - Physical comedy in "Nuova Barberia Carloni" by Teatro Necessario (Italy);
     - Multimedia theatre in "Brothers of War" by the All Theatre Art Association;
     - The musical "Miracle Kingdom" by Wilderness Creation;
     - Physical comedy in "Mr. YooWho's Holiday" by Moshe Cohen (US);
     - Puppet theatre in "Happy Days Toy Shop" by Fantasy Puppet Theatre;
     - Dance theatre in "Momentari & Maps" by Nats Nus Dansa (Spain);
     - The educational concert "Know Your Ballet Music" by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta;
     - "The House of Magic" by Xin Zhikuan and Xin Yafei;
     - "The Enchanting Orient" by the Hong Kong Dance Company;
     - "International Children's Film Carnival 2012" presented by the Film Programmes Office; and
     - "Hong Kong Youth Music Camp Concerts 2012" organised by the Music Office.

     This year's "New Generation Series" will include the musical comedy "Romeo and Harriet" by Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute; a multi-arts project, "Breaking into a New World II: The Mapping of a Body-Mind", by Ho Bit Goon; and a cool hip hop dance show, "Touch", by Boy Blue Entertainment from the UK.

     Apart from performances, there will be extension activities such as the outdoor carnival "Fantasia of Tales Adventure", the summer fun party "Aloha! Summer Fiesta!", workshops, outreach performances, library and museum activities, exhibitions, cultural tours and a foyer demonstration.

     Tickets priced from $40 to $400 are available at URBTIX from tomorrow (May 11). Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities and their minders, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients. Booking discounts of up to 20 per cent are available for full-price performing arts/film programmes.

     Programme brochures are available at URBTIX outlets or at the carnival website

     For programme enquiries, please call 2370 1044. Internet bookings can be made at Telephone credit card bookings can be made on 2111 5999.

Ends/Thursday, May 10, 2012
Issued at HKT 17:54