Class 7A Drama Group's "SEVEN: Lost and Lust" reveals truth through kindness and immorality

    Class 7A Drama Group will perform "SEVEN: Lost and Lust" (third run) in early June. The play is one of the productions of the Re-run Run Show series.

    The show premiered in 2004 and was so popular that a re-run immediately followed, winning high praise from audiences. This production guides the audience to an understanding of the value of kindness through "immorality" stories.

    "SEVEN" depicts a property agent, Mr Wong, who one day discovers a video showing a woman having sex with a man in an apartment bedroom. As he tries to find out more about the video, he is stunned to find that everyone related to the video has a little dirty laundry. Crime and goodness are sometimes only a hair's width apart.

    The show's playwright and director is Yatyau. The cast includes Rensen Chan, Chau Ka-fai, Jenus Ho and Tang Chi-kin. Eight years after premiere, Yatyau, the group's artistic director, has decided to use the same plot to write a new script with new staging and scenography in an attempt to show the audience how a very popular play can continue to grow.

    There will be five shows. Details are as follows:

June 1 to 3 (Friday to Sunday), 8pm
Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

June 2 to 3 (Saturday to Sunday), 3pm
Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

    Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, "SEVEN: Lost and Lust" will be performed in Cantonese by Class 7A Drama Group. Tickets priced at $180 and $120 are now available at URBTIX outlets, on the Internet and by credit card telephone booking. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and their helpers, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (limited tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients available on a first-come, first-served basis). Please refer to programme leaflets for details of the group booking discount.

    Please note that this programme contains coarse language and adult content. Audience members age 16 or above are welcome.

    For programme enquiries, call 2268 7325 (LCSD) or 2582 0274 (Class 7A Drama Group); for ticketing enquiries, call 2734 9009. For credit card telephone booking, call 2111 5999. Internet booking is available at For more information, please visit

Ends/Friday, April 27, 2012
Issued at HKT 10:01