Following is the English translation of the reply by the Chief Executive's Office to Apple Daily last night (February 23):
Here's our reply to the questions listed in your email:
* The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, has never stored any wine at Crown Wine Cellars.
* The Chief Executive will move out of Government House upon the conclusion of the term of his office on June 30, 2012. To prepare for the relocation, he decided to donate his private wine collection in 2010, and sought professional valuation of the stock. Subsequently, Mr Jim Thompson of Crown Wine Cellars bought the whole collection at a price based on the professional valuation.
* The Chief Executive donated all the proceeds (totalling $2 million) to three charity organisations in mid-2010, namely, the Red Cross, the Community Chest and the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care.
* The Chief Executive keeps a register of gifts (including wine) that he has received from any organisation or individual or from other governments. All the wines received by the Chief Executive have been passed to the Government for handling. Normally they will be used to entertain guests at the official banquets held in Government House. The register is available for public inspection on the Chief Executive's website.
* As regards the lease of the Central Ordnance Munitions Depot to Crown Wine Cellars, the government department concerned is reviewing the relevant files and will reply to you separately.
The Chief Executive's Office
Ends/Friday, February 24, 2012
Issued at HKT 14:54