SFH on avian influenza

     Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, at a media session after chairing the meeting of the Steering Committee on Avian Influenza this afternoon (December 23):

Reporter: (On the origin of the dead chicken.)

Secretary for Food and Health: According to the information gathered from the Mainland, they do not have any abnormality in the Mainland farms that supply chickens to Hong Kong. So we cannot conclude whether this was a chicken that came from the Mainland or from Hong Kong. But in all aspects, we have checked all the farms in Hong Kong, we have checked all the places that would have chickens in Hong Kong. We have excluded any outbreaks of infection, both in local farms as well as in the farms that supply (chickens) to Hong Kong from the Mainland. At this stage, I can only say that we are safer than what we suspected earlier on. But the avian flu season, particularly for wild birds, is still going on, the chance of wild birds infecting chickens can happen anytime. So the vigilance in both local and Mainland farms needs to be maintained.

Reporter: (On whether the dead chicken was infected by wild birds.)

Secretary for Food and Health: We cannot exclude that possibility. Since the chicken already died, we cannot exclude whether the vaccination done for the chickens is appropriate or not. This is an isolated case, we just make sure that there is no other cases relating to this one.
Reporter: (On placing tag on feet of the chickens.)

Secretary for Food and Health: At one point of time, I think a few years ago, when we faced outbreak of avian flu in Hong Kong, we were discussing whether we should have tags in the chicken feet so that we can identify which farm or area it comes from. The farmers are not necessarily very agreeable to that because it will incur extra costs and labour. We also think that this might give the chickens extra discomfort, particularly during the whole process of transportation from the farm to the market. That might cause more problems and issues during the whole course. So we have to be very careful about the decision we make. What we have decided right now is to ensure that any dead chickens that are found in the wholesale market will be reported to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) staff on duty right away, so that the AFCD can identify the particular supplier and source of origin of the chicken. This would be able to help us identify in case we have another incident.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Friday, December 23, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:00