Community Weather Information Network launches Community Weather Observing Scheme (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Observatory and the Department of Applied Physics of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University held a celebration ceremony for the fourth anniversary of the Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University today (November 19). They also announced the launch of the beta version of the Community Weather Observing Scheme (CWOS), a new initiative of Co-WIN (, at the ceremony.

     Officiating at the ceremony were the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Mr Shun Chi-ming; the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Co-WIN, Mr Lo Cheuk-wai; and Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr Ong Chung-wo.

     Mr Shun said in today's ceremony that CWOS provided an opportunity for community members of all ages and backgrounds to broaden their knowledge of weather and climate through first-hand experience in carrying out weather observations. The scheme also cultivated a harmonious society and learning environment through the sharing of information collected by individuals, he added.

     Mr Shun noted that the Observatory would continue to support CWOS by arranging topical seminars for the volunteer weather observers.

     Mr Lo said that Co-WIN had recently received many local and international awards, indicating that the network had been well recognised by the community. He encouraged Co-WIN members to support the implementation of CWOS, as it tied in well with the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, especially for schools offering "Weather and Climate" as an elective geography topic for their students.  

     Dr Ong pointed out that the CWOS platform provided useful materials to enrich the content of Co-WIN's online Education Resources Platform, which was developed to provide educational materials produced by professional educators. He added that further enrichment of the latter platform would be one of the major projects of Co-WIN in the coming years.

     CWOS is a new web platform for sharing weather observations posted by members of the participating organisations of Co-WIN, a collaborative effort between the Observatory and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The aim of CWOS is to encourage community learning and participation in making weather observations. Through CWOS, it is hoped that the general public will become more aware of weather-related hazards and climate change.

     Since its establishment in August 2007, Co-WIN membership has tripled from 35 to 105. Co-WIN members now span a wide spectrum of the community, including primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutes, an elderly centre, the Scout Association of Hong Kong and nature education centres such as WWF-Hong Kong. In 2011, Co-WIN received a range of awards from professional bodies and industry organisations in recognition of its efforts in promoting weather and climate education in Hong Kong.

     The Co-WIN website can be accessed via The website is also linked to the Observatory's homepage at

Ends/Saturday, November 19, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:18