Appointments to Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission

     The Government announced today (June 17) that the Chief Executive has appointed Mr Wong Kwai-huen, Professor Joseph Sung Jao-yiu and Mrs Eleanor Ling Lee Ching-man as members of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission.

     The Chief Executive has also re-appointed Mr Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung, Senior Counsel, as member of the Commission.

     "The four members will serve for a two-year term, starting from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013," a government spokesman said.

     Mr Michael John Lintern-Smith, Professor Tsui Lap-chee and Dr Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, serving members of the Commission, will retire on June 30.

     "We wish to express our gratitude to the three outgoing members for their distinguished contributions to the work of the Commission over the past six years," the spokesman said.

     The function of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission is to advise or make recommendations to the Chief Executive regarding the filling of vacancies in judicial offices, representations from a judicial officer concerning conditions of service referred to it by the Chief Executive, and any matter affecting judicial officers which may be prescribed or which the Chief Executive may refer to it.

     Other members of the Commission are the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal (ex-officio Chairman), the Secretary for Justice (ex-officio member), the Honourable Mr Justice Roberto Alexandre Vieira Ribeiro, the Honourable Mr Justice Louis Tong Po-sun and Dr Edgar Cheng Wai-kin.

Ends/Friday, June 17, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:01