GDETO seminars to promote advantages of doing business in Hong Kong (with photo)

     More than 250 representatives of privately-owned enterprises in Fujian today (June 1) attended two seminars in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, to get updated on Hong Kong's economic development and business environment.

     The seminars were jointly organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong (GDETO) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government, and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Fujian Provincial People's Government.

     Co-organisers of the seminars included Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government; the Economic and Trade Commission of Fujian Province; Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; Fujian Federation of Industry and Commerce; Fujian Province Business League and Fujian Youth Chamber of Commerce.

     The purpose of the two seminars, entitled "Hong Kong - Your Platform to Go Global" and "Development of Hong Kong's Services Industry" respectively, is to promote Hong Kong's advantages as an international springboard for Fujian enterprises.

     Fujian is one of the provinces in the Mainland's Economic Zone on the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (the West Coast Economic Zone). Speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, the Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs in Guangdong, Mr Rex Chang, said, "The HKSAR Government has been monitoring closely the development of the West Coast Economic Zone and maintaining close liaison with the region.

     "In the coming months, the GDETO will organise a series of economic, trade and investment promotion activities including exhibitions and seminars in  the provinces/cities of the West Coast Economic Zone (Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi) to further enhance exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and the West Coast Economic Zone," said Mr Chang.

     A photo exhibition was also staged at the seminar venue to promote Hong Kong as Asia's world city alongside the revitalised Brand Hong Kong; to provide a brief introduction on the contents of the "Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" (CEPA) and to introduce the West Coast Economic Zone. The exhibition will also be staged in the Van City Mall in Fuzhou from June 2 to 4.

Ends/Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:41