Auxiliary Police Force provides essential support in maintaining law and order

     The Auxiliary Police Force had contributed significantly in maintaining Hong Kong as one of the safest and most stable societies in the world, the Commissioner of Police, Mr Tsang Wai-hung, said today (May 28) when inspecting a passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force Headquarters.

     ¡°Everyday, members of the auxiliary police provide essential support to the regular police by conducting beat patrols and by taking part in the policing of major public events and crowd management operations. In times of emergency, they are relied upon to maintain the internal security of Hong Kong,¡± he said.

     Mr Tsang pointed out that to be an auxiliary police officer might be a part time job, but it was a full-time commitment.

     ¡°It is essential that you align your values with Force Values at all times. Regardless of whether you are on or off-duty, you must act responsibly as a police officer in every aspect of your life, be it at home, at work in your regular jobs, or out and about with family and friends.

     ¡°As an auxiliary police officer, you are in a strong position to be an ambassador for the police. I ask that you project a positive and professional image of the Force at all times, and that you encourage your colleagues, family and friends to support the community and the police in the fight against crime,¡± he said.

     Meanwhile, the Auxiliary Police Force had a special place in society and through its officers, it connected Police with the working communities of Hong Kong.  

     ¡°The skills and knowledge that you have in your regular sphere of work can often be of tremendous value to your duties as a police officer, and you can help to keep the Force up-to-date on best practices in areas such as management, service quality and technology.

     ¡°Equally, as an auxiliary officer, you can make good use of your knowledge of law and police procedures in your regular work, and help your businesses and professions to ensure that they are operating effectively, ethically and within the law,¡± he said.

     Mr Tsang said he was confident that the graduates were well prepared to perform duties after months of professional training, adding that they had acquired all the necessary policing skills, including professional and psychological competency which would enable them to perform duties with a human perspective and to serve the community with pride and care.

     A total of 27 auxiliary inspectors, 13 auxiliary station sergeants, 34 auxiliary sergeants, 82 auxiliary police constables and over 160 auxiliary officers from Kwai Tsing District who had completed the annual training passed out today.

Police Report No. 13

Ends/Saturday, May 28, 2011
Issued at HKT 13:50