Four Gig Heads Percussion Group to perform "transformation" concert

     Staged under the theme "Pattern Transformation", Four Gig Heads Percussion Group's forthcoming June concert promises music lovers an extraordinary percussion journey combining sound, visuals and lighting.

     This exciting crossover programme includes three premiere pieces, namely Four Gig Heads's "Variation", Nerve Steve Hui's "The Butterfly Process" and Angus Fu's "Lighter".

     Four Gig Heads Percussion Group was founded in 1998 by local percussionists Angus Fu, Luk Kin-bun, Ho Yi-on, Nerve Steve Hui, Jason Leung and MIHK@4GH. The group aims to promote percussion music of both the eastern and western genres, while the members also compose and arrange percussion music themselves, seeking to create new musical dimensions and a unique culture for Hong Kong.

     The group has staged various types of cultural performance in Hong Kong. They performed live for the Hong Kong experimental theatre group, Zuni Icosahedron's "The Magic Flute" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude Version 9.0"; arranged the music and provided live accompaniment for the Hong Kong Dance Company's "The Yellow River & The Yellow Earth". The group also composed a solo percussion segment and performed as lead player in "The Music of the Dragons Concert" and "Dragon Jamboree" in celebration of the 5th and 10th anniversaries of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as giving a reception performance for the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The group was also commissioned to perform for City Contemporary Dance Company's "Warrior LanLing" and "Dao Extraordinary". They have performed regularly at international occasions, including at arts festivals in London, the Philippines and Berlin. The group was also a guest performer at the Cannes Film Festival and at the 3rd CheonAn-Gak Won International Temple Music Festival in CheonAn, South Korea in 2008.

     Four Gig Heads offer a versatile repertoire encompassing an impressive array of styles, including Peking opera percussion music, the gong-and-drum music of eastern Zhejiang, the "daliuzi" of the Tujia ethnic minority of western Hunan, American country music and even Brazilian samba, as well as covering works by leading contemporary composers.

     Four Gig Heads Percussion annual concert "Pattern Transformation", presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, will be staged at 8pm, on June 10 (Friday). Tickets priced at $180, $130 and $100 are now available at all URBTIX outlets, on the Internet and through telephone credit card booking. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. (Tickets are limited for CSSA recipients and available on a first-come, first-served basis.)

     For programme enquiries, please call 2268 7321, or visit For ticketing enquiries, please call 2734 9009. For credit card telephone bookings, please call 2111 5999. For Internet bookings, please visit กก

     Patrons are welcome to stay after the concert for the meet-the-artists session. Admission is free.

Ends/Monday, May 16, 2011
Issued at HKT 19:40