Police pledge to uphold and maintain laws of Hong Kong (with photos)

     All those involved in the law must uphold the Rule of Law to protect individual rights and liberties, Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li said today (May 14) when inspecting a passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Police College.

     "The world and the society in which we live, is much more complex than before: people are more aware of the law and their individual rights. It is therefore important that all those who are involved in the law must uphold the Rule of Law," the Chief Justice said.

     He pointed out that the essence of the meaning of the Rule of Law was that everyone was equal before it: whether the Government, Judges, ordinary people, the Police.

     "There are certain characteristics of the Rule of Law: the existence of just laws that protect individual rights and liberties, an independent Judiciary. Individual rights and liberties are to be protected by all of us. This is required and protected under the Basic Law.

     "This is also required under the oath of office taken by Police Officers. In this oath, you have pledged to uphold and maintain the laws of Hong Kong, and that you will discharge your duties without fear or favour to any person.

     "In other words, you have sworn to uphold the Rule of Law in Hong Kong and to protect the rights and liberties of the individuals," the Chief Justice said.

     He noted that under the leadership of the Commissioner of Police, the Police Force had earned the respect and confidence of the community, adding that Hong Kong people had very high expectations and demands of Police Officers and this was as it ought to be.

     A total of 40 probationary inspectors and 206 recruit constables passed out today.

Police Report No. 13
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Saturday, May 14, 2011
Issued at HKT 14:42