RGC Public Lectures on "Information Technology" presented research excellence of higher education in Hong Kong

The following is issued on behalf of the University Grants Committee:

     The Research Grants Council (RGC) presented today (April 9) the second public lecture for this year on the topic of "Information Technology" at the Hong Kong Science Museum. The lecture received enthusiastic participation from staff and students of higher education institutions and a number of secondary schools.

     Co-organised with the Hong Kong Science Museum, the RGC has invited Professor Victor O K Li, Chair Professor of Information and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong; Professor Liew Soung-chang, Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; as well as Professor S C Chan, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong to introduce and share their research findings with the public.

     Professor Pong Ting-chuen, Academic Research Adviser of RGC, said in the opening, "the Government has placed a substantial amount of resources, through the University Grants Committee (UGC) and the RGC, to higher education institutions in Hong Kong to conduct various academic research activities. To let the community know about the importance and values of the work of our researchers, the RGC has been organising regular public lectures since 2009 to introduce to the public the achievements of our researchers.  The RGC and the Hong Kong Science Museum have so far jointly organised seven public lectures, and each lecture was well attended."

     The three speakers presented the research findings and achievements of their projects in a lively and practical manner.  Professor Li and Professor Liew gave a talk on "Areas of Excellence project in Information Technology", a joint collaboration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong for the teaching, research and knowledge transfer of information technology.  As key members of the project, Professor Li and Professor Liew highlighted the contributions, awards received, and on-going research in the area. Their project also pioneered network test platforms and software in wireless networks and the internet.  

     The topic of Professor Chan's lecture was "Processing Digital Images and Videos - Basic Principle and Emerging Applications".  With the rise in popularity of three-dimensional movies or televisions, advances in this technology have brought us more novel applications and visual experiences. Apart from sharing his experience and findings in the field, Professor Chan also elaborated on the future development of three-dimensional television and related application techniques.

     The audience were very interested in the presentations, and through the lectures, they gained a better understanding of the latest research findings in information technology, digital image and video processing.

     The RGC will continue organising public lectures with the Hong Kong Science Museum to introduce other research projects of Hong Kong higher education. The next lecture will be held on July 9. Interested parties may visit the RGC website (www.ugc.edu.hk/rgc) for further announcement.

Ends/Saturday, April 9, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:01