Transcript of CE's remarks at media session (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at a media session this evening (April 8):

Chief Executive: The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development announced earlier today her intention to resign from her office, because she has to undergo follow-up treatment after a colon operation.

     I respect her decision and I have recommended it to the Central Government.  

     Politically appointed officials are fully committed to public service.  They lead a disciplined life and receive regular physical checks.  But the nature of their work and their heavy workload, long working hours inevitably take a toll on their health.  I thus appeal to our fellow citizens for their understanding and encouragement to our officials as they discharge their duties.

     Having said that, the occasional sick leaves and resignations of individual officers for health reasons do not in any way affect the operation of the Government.  We have a well established system of acting appointment and replacement.

     On a personal note, I am much saddened by Rita's departure.  I came to know her in 1976.  I was a member of the Board which recruited her as an administrative officer.  She was a very bright and young candidate then, fresh from university.  I was deeply impressed by her mature mind and strong performance in the interview.

     In the years that followed, we have had many opportunities of working together.  We have worked very closely after she joined the team of political appointees.

     Rita is an officer of exceptional ability and talent, with a strong commitment to work, always positive, despite the enormous pressure and frequent and exhaustive overseas visits and duties.  She always gives her best to Hong Kong.  Her departure is a great loss to all of us.

     I thank Rita again for her long public service and contribution to Hong Kong.  I wish her a speedy and full recovery.

     I shall nominate a successor to the Central Government as soon as possible.  Meanwhile, Mr Gregory So will be acting as SCED.  The Bureau, and for that matter the entire Government, will continue to serve the public as best they can.

Reporter:  What will the Government do in order to ensure a smooth transition after Mrs Lau's resignation?

Chief Executive: Well, the system always ensures that there will be a smooth transition. We make public the absence of individual officers, whether on sick leave or for other reasons, and on this occasion we have done exactly that.  When Mrs Lau decided to resign, and when she gave me a letter of resignation yesterday, having spoken and discussed with her, I quickly decided to accept the resignation, and we have now appointed an acting officer to discharge the duties, and I have reported the incident to the Central Government. And as I said, I shall nominate a replacement as soon as possible. And I am sure that would be a good nomination.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Friday, April 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:01