Re-appointment to Pensions Appeal Panel and Appeal Panel on Government's Voluntary Contributions under Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme

     The Government announced today (April 1) that the Chief Executive has re-appointed Miss Eliza Chan Ching-har as convenor-cum-member of the Pensions Appeal Panel (PAP) and the Appeal Panel on Government's Voluntary Contributions under the Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme (APGVC) for a term of three years.  The appointment will take effect on April 8.

     The PAP is a statutory advisory body established under the Pension Benefits Ordinance.  Upon the request of the Chief Executive, the PAP will consider and advise the Chief Executive on petitions made by pensionable civil servants against the Government's decisions to refuse to grant a pension, or to cancel, suspend or reduce a pension granted under certain circumstances stipulated in the Pensions Ordinance or the Pension Benefits Ordinance.

     The APGVC is an administrative advisory body.  Upon the request of the Chief Executive, the APGVC will consider and advise the Chief Executive on representations made by civil servants on the Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme against the Government's decisions to forfeit or recover, either wholly or in part, their accrued benefits attributable to the Government's Voluntary Contributions and the Special Disciplined Services Contributions (if applicable) under circumstances specified in its terms of reference.

     The other serving members of the two appeal panels are Professor John Lee Chi-kin and Mr William Chan Fu-keung.

Ends/Friday, April 1, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:15