Government supports introduction of Chinese Internet domain names

     The introduction of full Chinese Internet domain names would benefit e-business development in Hong Kong and promote the use of Internet in the Chinese-speaking community, Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Stephen Mak, said today (March 24).

     Officiating at the launch ceremony of the full Chinese ".香港" Internationalised Country Code Top Level Domain (".香港" domain name), Mr Mak said: "The introduction of registration service for full Chinese domain names marked a significant development of the Domain Name System Internet infrastructure in Hong Kong."

     Mr Mak said the Chinese domain names would enable the Chinese-speaking people around the world to access Hong Kong websites using a web address written wholly in their mother tongue. Companies with Chinese brand names could establish their cyber identities in Chinese and promote their brands to customers more easily and directly.

     "It will also encourage further development of portals and online services for the Chinese-speaking people," he said.

     Mr Mak noted that various government bureaux and departments had registered Chinese domain names under ".政府.香港". Over 250 of these domain names were accessible starting from today. For example, citizens can access the Digital 21 Strategy website by typing "数码香港" on their Internet browser, in addition to the existing "" English domain name.  Other examples include the InfoSec website at "资讯安全网.政府.香港" and the interactive employment service website at "就业.政府.香港".

     The Government has designated the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC), a non-profit-making company, to undertake the administration of the ". hk" domain names.  About 20,000 ".香港" Chinese domain names were registered during the soft launch period. Public registration for ".香港" domain names is expected to open in May.

     For more information on domain name registration, please visit the HKIRC website at

Ends/Thursday, March 24, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:38