Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2009 published

     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) releases today (December 30) a publication on Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2009.  The publication aims at presenting comprehensive statistics on the innovation activities, including research and development (R&D) activities, in Hong Kong.    

     The publication presents latest statistics on R&D activities in Hong Kong, with elaborated analyses of the R&D activities conducted by the business, higher education and government sectors.  It also contains analyses of technological innovation (TI) and non-technological innovation (non-TI) activities conducted by the business sector, including analyses of the impacts of innovation activities on businesses; sources of funds for undertaking TI activities; barriers to TI activities; and various types of non-TI activities undertaken by business establishments such as changes in organisational structure and marketing strategy.

     Innovation activities (encompassing R&D, TI and non-TI activities) play an important role in a knowledge-based economy.  R&D is a key component of TI activities, though the latter also include other related activities (such as pre-production before mass production of new products and training of employees for new processes) which support the implementation of technological product and process innovations.  While non-TI activities are not directly related to technological advancement and changes, they may nevertheless contribute significantly to the competitiveness and performance of business establishments.

     R&D activities refer to creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, and the use of this knowledge to devise new products/process/ applications or improve existing products/process/applications.  

     TI activities refer to activities conducted for the purpose of (i) introducing any technologically new or significantly improved product or service; or (ii) introducing any technologically new or significantly improved process in manufacturing a product or in providing a service.  In most cases, they involve R&D activities which are either conducted in-house by business establishments or contracted-out to other organisations.  As for non-TI activities, the major types are in the areas of instituting important changes in several dimensions, viz. corporate strategy, management, organisation, marketing and aesthetic design of products.

     The C&SD has recently conducted a review on the printing of statistical publications and has decided that the print version of Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2009 will no longer be produced starting from this edition.  Nevertheless, the publication is still available for downloading free of charge from the website of the C&SD at (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/statistical_report/commerce_and_industry/index.jsp)

     Enquiries about this publication can be directed to the Science and Technology Statistics Section of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5560 or email: stb1@censtatd.gov.hk).

Ends/Thursday, December 30, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:32