CS' speech at Hong Kong YWCA 90th anniversary celebration dinner (English only) (with photos/video)

Mrs Patricia Ling, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening.

     I am most delighted to join you to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA).

     First and foremost, my warmest congratulations to the Hong Kong YWCA on its 90th anniversary.

     The YWCA has not become old or outdated; instead it has remained in touch with the community and relevant to the needs of women in our society.

     The YWCA was established in London in 1855. The sign of the blue triangle has since become a symbol of safety, friendship and spiritual empowerment for women around the world.

     The YWCA has its roots in serving young women who are on the move - first in London during the Industrial Revolution in Europe as women moved into the workplace.

     Here in Hong Kong, 90 years ago, four women leaders joined hands to provide practical and emotional support for young Chinese girls travelling via Hong Kong on their way to study overseas.

     For them, the blue triangle was a sign of comfort and security in unfamiliar surroundings. The YWCA also provided a learning environment to prepare the young ladies for the challenges ahead.

     This social mission combined with Christian values continues to support and empower women today. Here in Hong Kong and through sister associations around the world, the blue triangle touches the lives of more than 25 million women every year.

     The Association continues to carry out its mission to build a caring society and enhance the role of women in the community through the all-round development of mind, body and spirit.

     Through the work of the local YWCA and other like-minded organisations, the social and economic status of women in Hong Kong has risen substantially.

     I am particularly impressed by your innovative and proactive youth employment services and leadership training for women from disadvantaged backgrounds.

     The YWCA also places emphasis on strengthening the family unit.

     Your initiative in providing services to support families through counselling, awareness and training programmes and parent-child activities is commendable.

     The Government is also committed to providing enhanced support to empower families and facilitate social networks.
     Among other things, the Family Council - which I chair - will soon launch a Family Friendly Company Award Scheme. By recognising family friendly companies we can encourage the business sector to promote family core values.

     Ladies and gentlemen, throughout its long history, the Hong Kong YWCA and its members have demonstrated that, with devotion and passion, we can all make a difference.

     Once again, congratulations to the Hong Kong YWCA on its 90th birthday and I wish the Association continued success.

     Thank you very much.

Ends/Saturday, December 4, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:09