Government announces grant of additional land for the construction of additional premises by the OCMFA in the HKSAR

     The Government announced today (November 24) that a Government site on Borrett Road will be granted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) to meet additional accommodation needs of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (OCMFA) in Hong Kong.

     The site, measuring about 2,100 square metres and zoned for Government, Institution or Community use on the Mid-levels West Outline Zoning Plan, is adjacent to the OCMFA's staff quarters block on Borrett Road and will be granted as an extension to the existing lot IL 8893 granted to MFA in 1997, comprising the office block for OCMFA on Kennedy Road and a staff quarters block on Borrett Road.  Like the parent lot, the lot extension will be granted at a nominal premium of $1,000.  It will have a term up to June 30, 2047 to be co-terminous with the lease term of the parent lot.  

     Regarding OCMFA's need for additional accommodation, a government spokesman underlined the important role of the OCMFA and its positive contributions in maintaining stability and prosperity of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since 1997.  

     "With the additional premises at the lot extension, OCMFA will be better able to host representational functions and stage their outreach activities and educational programmes within the more convenient and secure OCMFA's compound.  This will further enhance the capacity of OCMFA in discharging its functions and responsibilities under the Basic Law. The additional premises will also include a new official residence for the Commissioner of OCMFA.  This will replace the Commissioner's quarters currently located on the top floor of the office block and will be more comparable to those of MFA missions of the PRC abroad."

     "Construction at the lot extension will not give rise to any significant traffic, visual or air ventilation concerns.  Suitable development restrictions will be included in the land grant.  The development will be subject to a plot ratio not greater than 2 and a building height not exceeding 130mPD.  In other words, the development will be of low density, and will consist only four storeys above basements," the Government spokesman added.

     The Government spokesman supplemented that suitable control would be included in the land grant to ensure appropriate design and landscaping.

Ends/Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:39