TAC briefed on consultant's findings and recommendations on rationalising the utilisation of road harbour crossings

     The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (November 12) on the findings and recommendations of the consultancy study on rationalising the utilisation of the three Road Harbour Crossings (RHCs), namely the Cross Harbour Tunnel (CHT), the Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC) and the Western Harbour Crossing (WHC).

     The TAC Chairman, Mr Rimsky Yuen said, "The TAC shared the public's concern over the undesirable distribution of traffic among the three RHCs.  TAC members hoped that the consultant's findings and recommendations would provide a rational basis on which to facilitate the discussion of various sectors of the community."

     The Government has commenced a three-month public consultation exercise on the various recommendations of the consultants until February 9, 2011.  

     "The TAC welcomes the Government's public consultation exercise and invites members of the public to take the opportunity to express their opinions on this important subject," Mr Yuen said.

     TAC members were briefed on the various combinations of toll adjustments, which the consultants estimated would achieve a more desirable distribution of traffic among the RHCs and bring about significant relief to the congestion at CHT.  Members were also briefed on the consultants' analysis of the various options to implement the proposed toll adjustments in the short, intermediate and long term.  Members noted the consultants' observation that whichever implementation option is adopted, it has to be combined with a toll adjustment to have any effect in redistributing cross harbour traffic.

     "The TAC appreciates that various sectors of the community, in particular the transport trade, may have varying views on some of the toll combinations identified by the consultants, which might impact more heavily on the operating costs of the commercial vehicles.  Members believed that in considering the way forward, the traffic benefits as well as the public's acceptability of the toll adjustments proposed, are important considerations for the Government," said Mr Yuen.

     "We welcome the Government's efforts in exploring ways to improve the traffic distribution amongst the three RHCs.  The recommendations of the consultancy study are being carefully considered by the TAC, and we will provide our views to the Government in due course after mature consideration of the various options," he said.

     The TAC also noted the Administration's proposal to update and review the Railway Development Strategy 2000.  

     "TAC supports the Administration's proposal with a view to satisfying the need for rail transport up to year 2031.  The review will take into account the changing needs of society and the latest planning parameters," said Mr Yuen.

Ends/Friday, November 12, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:15