Homicide in Ma On Shan

     Police are investigating a homicide case in Ma On Shan yesterday afternoon (November 10) in which a man in his seventies was killed.

     About 3.05pm yesterday, Police received a report that a man was found collapsed inside a village house in Tseng Tau Tsuen on Sai Sha Road. Police sped to the scene and located the man lying unconscious on the floor inside the kitchen. The man, in his seventies, sustained some wounds to his head and was subsequently certified dead at scene by ambulancemen.

     Police conducted initial investigations at scene and found that the wallet of the deceased was missing.

     A post-mortem examination will be conducted this morning (November 11) to ascertain the cause of his death.

     Active investigations by the District Crime Squad of Sha Tin are underway.

Police Report No. 3

Ends/Thursday, November 11, 2010
Issued at HKT 03:09