SHA commends 82 persons for promotion of sports, arts and culture and community greening (with photos)

     The Secretary for Home Affairs (SHA), Mr Tsang Tak-sing, today (November 9) presented commendation certificates and award pins to 82 persons for their contribution to the promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture, and community greening.

     Speaking at the presentation ceremony for the SHA Commendation Scheme, Mr Tsang said its purpose was not only to commend outstanding citizens, but also to inspire more people to follow in their steps by serving the community for the advancement of Hong Kong.

     Mr Tsang thanked the award recipients for their endeavours in the promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture as well as community greening over the years, with a view to building a better Hong Kong.

     The SHA Commendation Scheme, introduced in 2002, aims to recognise individuals who make outstanding contributions to community building and community service as well as to the development of sports, culture and the arts.

Ends/Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:06