Youth exchange views on climate change and low carbon living (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC):

     Over 200 environment-concerned youths participated in the "Get It Green" (GIG) Youth Summit at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts today (November 7) to exchange views on climate change and low carbon living.

     The GIG Youth Summit, the climax of the GIG Competition, was organised by the Environmental Campaign Committee and Civic Exchange, with funding support from the Environment and Conservation Fund.

     At the Youth Summit, Mr Robert Swan, a world renowned explorer, made a keynote presentation on threats facing the planet from climate change. A discussion forum conducted by relevant experts was held to engage youths in analysing the social impacts of climate change.  

     "As the young generation will be leading the way in future, this summit provides a platform for them to explore the impact of climate change.  The participants were eager to express their opinions which reflected the concern of our young generation towards this problem. I believe that they will put words into action in adopting a low carbon lifestyle and contribute their effort to combat climate change," said the ECC Chairman, Mr Joseph Lee.

     The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, said that he was heartened by the enthusiastic response of youths in climate change discussion through participating in the GIG. "As the finale for this week's activities to promote higher awareness for climate change, GIG gets our young people to focus on the impact of climate change on the new generation.  I am sure participants have gained new inspirations from their involvement in GIG as to how they could help combat climate change by leading a low carbon lifestyle," said Mr Yau.

     Today's highlight also included the GIG Final Competition, in which 13 finalists showcased their innovative ideas to combat climate change to win over judges. The GIG competition was launched in June and attracted over 800 entries.

     GIG is an extended event of the C40 Hong Kong Workshop held on November 5 and 6. Mayors and representatives from C40 cities, overseas experts, representatives from the trades, government officials and non-governmental organisations shared their strategies and experience of combating climate change at the Workshop.  

     Details of the GIG are available at

Ends/Sunday, November 7, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:56