CE officiates at gala HK Week opening ceremony for Shanghai Expo (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (October 20) officiated at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong Week at Expo Park's Baosteel Stage (Large).

     After an innovative eye-dotting ceremony, Mr Tsang formally kicked off Hong Kong Week.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tsang said Hong Kong was honoured to host Hong Kong Week, the highlight of Hong Kong's participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo), as the finale to the activity weeks of other provinces, regions and municipalities.

     Taking this opportunity, Hong Kong will showcase aspects of its rich and diversified culture to the world, our motherland and our friends in Shanghai, he said.

      "Shanghai Expo has provided Hong Kong with an invaluable opportunity to show the world Hong Kong's achievements and unique advantages under 'One country, Two systems'," Mr Tsang said.

     Throughout Expo, Hong Kong has organised more than 60 cultural programmes, exhibitions, conferences and seminars to promote its development in different areas, he said.

     These activities have considerably strengthened Hong Kong's links and exchanges with Shanghai, which in turn has opened up new opportunities for various services and sectors, he added.

     Noting that Hong Kong Week has been well-received, Mr Tsang thanked all those involved, including colleagues in the Government, volunteers, sponsors, contractors, event organisers and organisations, as well as artists and performers, for their detailed planning and hard work.

     Also speaking at the ceremony were the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Han Zheng, and the Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Commissioner General of the China Pavilion of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, Mr Wang Jinzhen.

     Other Hong Kong SAR Government officials present at the ceremony were Permanent Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Joshua Law; Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology), Miss Elizabeth Tse; Director of Information Services, Mr Michael Wong; Director of Architectural Services, Mrs Marigold Lau; Director of Broadcasting, Mr Franklin Wong, and Commissioner, HKSAR Expo Affairs Office, Mr Patrick Chan.

     Hong Kong's creativity was on display during the ceremony with a string of performances by Hong Kong stars and singers well known to Shanghai audiences, including Ms Frances Yip, Mr Alan Tam, Mr Eric Suen, Ms Kay Tse and the Hong Kong band "Mr.".

     Also taking part were veteran composer Mr Joseph Koo; renowned violinist Ms Yao Jue; erhu master Mr Wong On-yuen; Hong Kong Week musical director Dr Mui Kwong-chiu; and the Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Mr Ng Ka-ming.

     The performance included stirring renditions of two classic Hong Kong tunes composed by Mr Joseph Koo and sung by Ms Frances Yip -"Shanghai Bund" and "Beneath the Lion Rock".

     After the ceremony, Mr Tsang toured the Hong Kong displays at Baosteel Stage introducing different aspects of Hong Kong's creativity and lifestyle.  

     On display were mock-up bus-stop signs featuring Hong Kong famous sights, a replica tram, a "cha chaan teng" model and the more than 15 models of favourite Hong Kong comic characters including McDull, Tiger Wong, Old Master Q and Cloud.

     Mr Tsang stopped by Baosteel Stage (Small) to chat with children and young people performing Cantonese opera, as well as university students showing their interactive art works to Expo audiences.

     Hong Kong Week has been well received by Expo visitors since opening on Monday (October 18).

     Running until Friday, Shanghai Expo visitors will see close to 1,000 performers and staff members present more than 20 performances inside and outside Expo Park.

     Also on the performing menu for Hong Kong Week today were world-renowned tenor Mr Warren Mok and Opera Hong Kong presenting opera and other classics at Celebration Square for the "My China Heart" concert.

     They delighted the audience with arias from famous operas and well-known songs from Hong Kong and the Mainland, including a rendition of "Beneath the Lion Rock".

     For details, please visit www.hkexpo2010.gov.hk.

Ends/Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:43