Conviction of making false statements to claim MPF benefits

The following is issued on behalf of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority:

     A Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme member was convicted today (October 19) and fined $3,000 at the Kwun Tong Magistracy for breaching section 43E(1) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (the Ordinance) by making false and misleading statements in documents to an MPF trustee.

     According to the prosecution, Cheung Chi Keung, applied to the trustee on October 22, 2009 for early withdrawal of his MPF accrued benefits on the ground of permanent departure. Investigation by the MPFA found that the defendant had recklessly provided false and misleading statements in claiming that he had not previously claimed payment of accrued benefits on the ground of permanent departure on an earlier departure date.

     Meanwhile, 4 officers and 7 employers were fined a total of $554,000 at the Kwun Tong Magistracy today after being convicted of offences under the Ordinance.

     Lam Yik Ho, an officer of Selecta Development Limited, was charged for offences under sections 7A(8) and 44 of the Ordinance and pleaded guilty to 23 counts of failing to make MPF contributions for employee within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between March 2008 and January 2010. The defendant was fined $2,000 for each of the first 8 summonses and $4,000 for each of the remaining 15 summonses, totalling $76,000.

     Selecta Development Limited was also charged for an offence under section 7A(8) of the Ordinance and pleaded guilty to 23 counts of failing to make MPF contributions for employees within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between March 2008 and January 2010. The defendant was fined $2,000 for each of the first 8 summonses and $4,000 for each of the remaining 15 summonses, totalling $76,000.

     Wong Ka Kui Rickie, an officer of Idealab Workshop Limited, was charged for offences under sections 7A(8) and 44 of the Ordinance and pleaded guilty to 18 counts of failing to make MPF contributions for an employee within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between May and December 2008 and between February and November 2009. The defendant was fined $2,000 for each of the first 6 summonses, $3,000 each for the 8th to 12th summonses, and $4,000 for each of the remaining 7 summonses, totalling $55,000.

     Idealab Workshop Limited was also charged for an offence under section 7A(8) of the Ordinance and pleaded guilty to 18 counts of failing to make MPF contributions for an employee within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between May and December 2008 and between February and November 2009. The defendant was fined $2,000 for each of the first 6 summonses, $3,000 for each of the 8th to 12th summonses and $4,000 for each of the remaining 7 summonses, totalling $55,000.

     Lo Wing Keung Wingkie trading as City Printing Co. was charged for an offence under section 7A(8) of the Ordinance and pleaded guilty to 5 counts of failing to make MPF contributions for an employee within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between October 2009 and January 2010 and March 2010. The defendant was fined $4,000 for each summons, totalling $20,000.

     Lee Man Cheong, an officer of Welluck Holdings Limited trading as Ocean Publishers, which has committed an offence under section 7(1A)(b) and 44 of the Ordinance, was convicted of one count of failing to enrol an employee in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance. The defendant was fined $6,000. Lee was also charged for offences under section 7AA(7) and 44 of the Ordinance. The defendant pleaded guilty to 9 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for an employee who was not a member of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between May 2009 and January 2010. The defendant was fined $4,000 for each of the first 7 summonses and $3,000 for each of the remaining 2 summonses, totalling $34,000.

     Welluck Holdings Limited trading as Ocean Publishers, which has committed an offence under section 7(1A)(b) of the Ordinance, was convicted of one count of failing to enrol an employee in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance. The defendant was fined $6,000.

     Welluck Holdings Limited trading as Ocean Publishers, was also charged for offences under section 7AA(7). The defendant pleaded guilty to 9 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for an employee who was not a member of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between May 2009 and January 2010. The defendant was fined $4,000 for each of the first 7 summonses and $3,000 for each of the remaining 2 summonses, totalling $34,000.

     Lau Ka Tong, an officer of Web Rap Production Limited, was charged for offences under section 7(1) and 44 of the Ordinance and fined $6,000 for the summons for failing to enrol an employee in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance.

     Lau was also charged for offences under section 7AA(7) and 44 of the Ordinance. The defendant pleaded guilty to 13 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for an employee who was not a member of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between November 2008 and November 2009. The defendant was fined $4,000 for each summons, totalling $52,000.

     Web Rap Production Limited was charged for an offence under section 7(1) of the Ordinance and fined $6,000 for the summons for failing to enrol an employee in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance.

     Web Rap Production Limited was also charged for an offence under section 7AA(7) of the Ordinance. The defendant pleaded guilty to 13 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for an employee who was not a member of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between November 2008 and November 2009. The defendant was fined $4,000 for each summons, totalling $52,000.

     Good Faith Security Management Limited was charged for an offence under section 7(1) of the Ordinance and fined $6,000 for each summons, totaling $12,000, for failing to enrol two employees in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance.

     Good Faith Security Management Limited was also charged for an offence under section 7AA(7) of the Ordinance. The defendant pleaded guilty to 12 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for two employees who were not members of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between July 2009 and January 2010. The defendant was fined $3,000 for each of the 4 summonses and $4,000 for each of the remaining 8 summonses, totalling $44,000.

     Orient Aviation Management Limited was charged for an offence under section 7(1) of the Ordinance and fined $6,000 for the summons for failing to enrol an employee in an MPF scheme as required by the Ordinance.

     Orient Aviation Management Limited was also charged for an offence under section 7AA(7) of the Ordinance. The defendant pleaded guilty to 4 counts of failing to make MPF contributions to the MPFA for an employee who was not a member of a registered scheme within the prescribed time for the contribution periods between September and December 2009. The defendant was fined $3,000 for each of the first 2 summonses and $4,000 for each of the remaining 2 summonses, totalling $14,000.

Ends/Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Issued at HKT 21:10