Artwork proposals for new Legislative Council Complex short-listed (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     With the aim to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the built environment of the new Legislative Council (LegCo) Complex and supporting the cultural life of Hong Kong city and the public, the LegCo Commission intends to commission four artworks for four selected locations at the LegCo Complex through an exercise of Open Call for Artwork Proposals launched in April 2010, with a total commissioning fee up to HK$6.3 millions. The Open Call exercise ended on June 28, and more than 180 preliminary proposals were received.

     The first stage of adjudication of the submitted artwork proposals has now been completed. The Adjudication Panel, members of which were appointed by the Commission, assessed a total of 181 preliminary proposals submitted by 110 participants (individual/ team): 55 proposals for Location 1; 45 for Location 2; 35 for Location 3; 46 for Location 4. A total of 12 proposals for the four locations were short-listed, with 3 proposals for each location. The short-listed participants will proceed to developing and submitting detailed design proposals for the second stage adjudication in October 2010 for final selection.

     The short-listed proposals are as below (listed according to the entry number):

Location 1
Artwork at LegCo Square

Entry No. A17    Speaker's Corner
Entry No. A23    Tian Tian Xiang Shang
Entry No. A36    Precious Voice

Location 2
Artwork outside Main lobby, Council Block

Entry No. B15    Seeking for Completion and Perfection
Entry No. B18    EMISOLB
Entry No. B22    Heaven Earth and Man - the Way

Location 3
Artwork on the Drum Wall in Main Lobby, Council Block

Entry No. C8     Mountain Water
Entry No. C11    In Between
Entry No. C25    Union

Location 4
Artwork at the wall above 1/F escalator landing, or a combined feature on the wall at 1/F escalator landing and the adjoining ceiling under 3/F escalator landing platform in Main Lobby, Council Block

Entry No. D14    Re-vitalizing
Entry No. D19    The People
Entry No. D28    Cloud Thoughts

     Starting from tomorrow (July 29), an exhibition featuring the information of the short-listed preliminary proposals will be held at the LegCo Building. Through the exhibition, the public will be offered an opportunity to have a look at the sketches and understand the concepts of the proposed artworks. Members of the public are also invited to share their views on the short-listed proposals. Opinions collected on or before August 13, 2010 will be collated and passed to the Adjudication Panel for reference at the second stage adjudication.

     Details of the exhibition are as follows:

Date:  July 29, 2010 ¡ª August 31, 2010
Time: 9am - 5.30pm daily (including Saturdays and Sundays)
Venue: G/F, Legislative Council Building
Address: Legislative Council Building, 8 Jackson Road, Central
Enquiry: 2503 9748

     Admission is free and no ticket is required for the exhibition. Members of the public interested in visiting the exhibition are requested to enter and leave the Legislative Council Building via Public Entrance I (facing the Statue Square).

Ends/Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:34