Secretary for Development visits Shanghai Expo (with photos)

     The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited Expo 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo) today (May 22) and toured the China Pavilion and the Hong Kong Pavilion.

     At the Hong Kong Pavilion, she walked through the three levels of the exhibition themed "Connected to the Global Village", "Connected by Ideas, Information and Diversity" and "Connected to Nature".

     With an exhibition area of 800 square metres, the pavilion showcases Hong Kong's unique connectivity with the Mainland and the world in terms of both hardware and software. It highlights Hong Kong's achievements in sustainable urbanisation and illustrates the infinite potential for enhancing city life in a place with limited land resources.

     Since the opening of the Shanghai Expo on May 1, about 10,000 visitors on average have visited the Hong Kong Pavilion daily.

     Mrs Lam also toured Hong Kong's exhibition at the Urban Best Practices Area as well as the Macau Pavilion and the Taiwan Pavilion.

     The Shanghai Expo has preserved several industrial heritage buildings which stood on the site previously.  Mrs Lam went to see the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Pavilion and the Pavilion of Future which are adapted for re-use from an old shipbuilding plant and power plant respectively.

     Mrs Lam began her official visit in Shanghai yesterday (May 21). She visited the Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub and was briefed on the planning and operation of this major transport infrastructure in the city. The hub provides connections to the new Hongqiao Airport West Terminal, high-speed trains and bus terminals.

     She met officials of the Shanghai Municipal Housing Support and Building Administration Bureau and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Land Resources to exchange views on issues of urban planning, land use and building controls.

     She also took the opportunity to visit the revitalisation initiatives at Tian Zi Fang and the Bridge 8.
     Mrs Lam will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (May 23).

Ends/Saturday, May 22, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:05