HKSAR Chief Executive Officiates at the Launch Ceremony of the MPF Investment Education Campaign (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority:

     The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) today (May 21) staged the Launch Ceremony of the MPF Investment Education Campaign
"Making Informed Decisions for Your MPF Life" at Olympian City 2, West Kowloon. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Chairman of MPFA, Ms Anna Wu, Chairman of MPF Industry Schemes Committee, Ms Wong Ting-kwong, Non-executive Director of MPFA, Ms Li Fung-ying, and Managing Director of MPFA, Mrs Diana Chan. About 100 guests also witnessed the official launch of the three-day MPF Investment Education Launch Event with the theme "Making Informed Decisions for Your MPF Life".

     Mr Tsang, together with other officiating guests kicked off an "MPF Trail" in a symbolic ceremony. Fruitful "MPF Trees" along the Trail then gradually lighted up one by one and extended all the way to the peak. This was to symbolize that the public could enjoy a comfortable retirement life by making MPF contributions and cautious investments in their lifelong MPF investment journey. Guests from different community sectors, including labour unions, political parties, MPF industry and academics, then made their hand imprints to signify the concerted effort of different walks of life to support MPF investment education.

     Officiating at the launch ceremony, Ms Wu said, "The MPFA has always attached great importance to MPF investment education.  By organising different types of MPF education activities, we aim to help the public understand the MPF system and MPF investment so that they can make decisions suitable for their retirement needs. This year, the MPFA is launching an Investment Education Campaign under the theme "Making Informed Decisions for Your MPF Life", which focuses on educating the public, especially scheme members, the six major decision points and factors to be considered when making different decisions in their lifelong MPF investment journey. To tie in with the implementation of the "Employee Choice Arrangement", also known as the "Portability" arrangement, the MPFA will further investment education to help equip scheme members in preparation for their enhanced right of choice under the Employee Choice Arrangement." She encouraged the public to take greater care of their MPF and to equip themselves with MPF knowledge so as to make informed investment decisions that suit their own needs.

     She added that while the MPF System is approaching its 10th anniversary and the total MPF asset value has accumulated up to over HK$300 billion, the development of the MPF System has become more mature with the advancement of the society and the heightening of the public's awareness on retirement protection.

     The MPFA has invited Chan Wing-luk, a renowned financial commentator to share with the audience tips on MPF investment.  It has also invited artistes Lawrence Cheng (Ö£µ¤Èð), Sammy Leung (É­ÃÀ) and Jason Chan (³Â°ØÓî), and winners of the Inter-University Competition for Creating a Radio Programme to explain and present the six major decision points and their slogans through chatting and rapping. This has brought out the key messages that scheme members have to make different decisions in their lifelong MPF investment journey and that they have to consider different factors before making MPF investment decisions.

     Following the Launch Ceremony were a series of MPF seminars held in the afternoon, which aimed to increase the public¡¯s knowledge of MPF investment so as to ensure a financially secure retirement. First of all, Mr Chan gave a talk on "Market Forecast of Second Half of 2010 ¡ª How to Manage Your MPF Investment"; then an MPFA representative explained the six major decision points in the MPF investment journey; and celebrities Winnie Young (ÑîÍñÒÇ) and Steven Ma (Âí¿£Î°) joined Mr Chan to share with the audience tips on retirement planning.

     The MPF Investment Education Launch Event presented an array of programmes. Apart from the seminars mentioned above, there would also be a thematic exhibition on "Making Informed Decisions for Your MPF Life" and game booths (»ý½ðºÃÇáZone). Messages about the six major decision points of MPF investment were disseminated in a lively and interactive manner through these programmes.

     MPF Enquiry Counters attended by Certified Financial Planners were set up to provide independent and professional MPF analysis services and retirement planning advice to members of the public free of charge. Many enthusiastic members brought along their Annual Benefit Statements to seek consultation at the counters and they were keen on enquiring about issues related to their own MPF investment.

     Members of the public are welcome to visit the exhibition, game booths and MPF Enquiry Counters from 11am to 6pm on May 22 and 23 at Olympian City 2.

     The MPFA is going to launch a burst of publicity programmes on investment education following the Launch Event. Starting from next week, radio programmes, print advertisements, feature articles, thematic website, roving exhibitions, outreach community activities and seminars will be rolled out to spread MPF investment messages across the territory, with a view to enhancing public awareness and understanding of MPF investment.

Ends/Friday, May 21, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:17