Public hospitals stand down to alert level next week

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) spokesman today (May 20) reminded the public that it will follow the Government's decision to lower the influenza response level under the Framework of Government's Preparedness Plan for Influenza Pandemic from the "emergency" to the "alert" response level with effect from next Monday (May 24).

     "Concurrently, the HA's eight Designated Flu Clinics (list of clinics is appended) will also revert to normal general out-patient clinic service next Monday in view of declining service demand.  The telephone booking arrangement for the clinics will resume on the preceding day accordingly" the spokesman added.

     Under the alert response level, the following arrangements will be implemented in public hospitals and clinics:

- Visiting hours will be returned to not more than four hours per day and not more than two visitors per visit for all acute wards; and not more than six hours per day and not more than two visitors for all convalescent hospitals.
- Visitors and patients having respiratory symptoms are required to wear a surgical mask in the patient areas of public hospitals and clinics.
- All staff members, patients and visitors are required to practise hand hygiene at all times.
- The HA laboratory network will return to normal operating hours.

- The triage assessment for fever patients with respiratory symptoms will continue at Accident and Emergency Departments and General Outpatient Clinics.

     "Posters and notices will be posted at public hospitals and clinics to remind members of the public of the scaling down of the response level and the corresponding revised arrangements, and also the cessation of Designated Flu Clinic service.

     "In close collaboration with the Centre for Health Protection, we will stay vigilant to monitor the latest development of the influenza situation and the need to update the measures.  We will continue to keep the general public and professionals informed of the updated situation and relevant information," the spokesman said.

Ends/Thursday, May 20, 2010
Issued at HKT 12:46