Coral tree at San Po Kong interchange removed to ensure public safety

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) removed a coral tree at San Po Kong interchange in Wong Tai Sin today (May 19) for the sake of public safety. The tree was confirmed to have the potential danger of collapse following the department's detailed inspections and analysis conducted by members of the tree expert group.

     Listed on the Register of Old and Valuable Trees with the registration number LCSD WTS/2, the 14-metre-tall coral tree had been attacked by the Erythrina Gall Wasp since 2006. In the past few years, the department had inspected the tree regularly and taken remedial measures including application of insecticide, trimming of dead branches and installation of cables for additional support.

     Despite the department's maintenance efforts, the tree had shown no signs of recovery after the application of insecticide. During detailed inspections by the LCSD with a tomograph in mid-April this year, the supporting root system of the tree was found to be decaying and serious cracks were found on its trunk, thereby adversely affecting its stability. Members of the tree expert group agreed with the department's analysis that the tree had little chance of recovery and had a potential danger of collapse. As the tree was located at a public access road and next to a tunnel, the department decided to remove the tree in order to ensure public safety.

     The LCSD will continue to adopt a prudent approach in managing its trees. Removing a problematic tree will be the last resort only when there is no viable option to keep it.

Ends/Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:38