Legislative Council by-election concluded smoothly (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:

     Vote counting for the 2010 Legislative Council by-election was completed smoothly at 2am today (May 17).

     The counting of about 579,000 ballot papers was completed in about three and a half hours after the poll closed last night (May 16).

     "The Electoral Affairs Commission considers the counting of votes efficient and is satisfied with the overall electoral arrangements.  The by-election was concluded successfully in an open, honest and fair manner," Chairman of the Commission, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, said at the media centre after the announcement of all the election results.

     The Commission will review the electoral arrangements and look into areas for further improvement. A report will be submitted to the Chief Executive on matters relating to the by-election within the next three months.
     The Commission is grateful to the 14,600 polling and counting staff and the Government departments involved in the by-election for helping to make the electoral arrangements conducted smoothly. The Commission also thanked the electors for voting, and the candidates and agents for their co-operation. They have all contributed to maintaining the openness, fairness and honesty of the by-election.

Ends/Monday, May 17, 2010
Issued at HKT 03:35