LegCo Members to visit Shanghai Expo tomorrow

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The President of the Legislative Council (LegCo), Hon Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, will lead a LegCo delegation to conduct a three-day visit tomorrow (May 8) to the Expo 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo). The delegation will first proceed to Guangzhou and take the Express Rail Link from Guangzhou to Wuhan, and then take the flight from Wuhan to Shanghai. While visiting the Shanghai Expo, the delegation will tour the China Pavilion, the Hong Kong (HK) Pavilion, the Theme Pavilions, Pavilions of some other countries, and the Urban Best Practices Area (UBPA).

     Mr Tsang hoped that through the visit, LegCo Members could gain a first-hand experience of the Shanghai Expo. They would also observe the HK Pavilion and the HK UBPA, both of which were approved funding by the LegCo Finance Committee. He said that Members would also take this opportunity to experience the operation of the Express Rail Link from Guangzhou to Wuhan and receive a briefing from the Mainland railway experts on the operation of the Express Rail Link. He believed that this would help Members understand more about the development and planning of railway on the Mainland.

     The delegation will depart for Nansha and Guangzhou tomorrow morning and then take the Express Rail Link to Wuhan after arriving in Guangzhou. During the journey, experts from the Ministry of Railways will brief Members on the operation of the Express Rail Link and its latest development on the Mainland. Members will take a flight from Wuhan to Shanghai in the evening.

     On May 9, the delegation will proceed to the Shanghai Expo and visit the China Pavilion, the HK Pavilion and the Theme Pavilions, as well as Pavilions of other countries, including the Japan Pavilion, the Saudi Arabia Pavilion and the African Joint Pavilion. On May 10, Members will visit the UBPA, including the HK UBPA, the Corporate Pavilion and the Pavilions of EU, United Kingdom and USA. The delegation will fly back to Hong Kong on that night to complete the three-day visit.

     The delegation consists of 42 Members, including the President as the leader and Hon Miriam Lau as the deputy leader. Other Members include Ir Dr Hon Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Dr Hon David Li Kwok-po, Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, Hon James To Kun-sun, Hon Cheung Man-kwong, Hon Chan Kam-lam, Hon Mrs Sophie Leung Lau Yau-fun, Dr Hon Philip Wong Yu-hong, Hon Wong Yung-kan, Hon Lau Kong-wah, Hon Lau Wong-fat, Hon Andrew Cheng Kar-foo, Hon Timothy Fok Tsun-ting, Hon Tam Yiu-chung, Hon Abraham Shek Lai-him, Hon Federick Fung Kin-kee, Hon Wong Kwok-hing, Hon Lee Wing-tat, Dr Hon Joseph Lee Kok-long, Hon Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung, Hon Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, Hon Cheung Hok-ming, Hon Wong Tin-kwong, Hon Chim Pui-chung, Prof Hon Patrick Lau Sau-shing, Hon Starry Lee Wai-king, Dr Hon Lam Tai-fai, Hon Chan Hak-kan, Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, Hon Chan Kin-por, Dr Hon Priscilla Leung Mei-fun, Dr Hon Leung Ka-lau, Hon Cheung Kwok-che, Hon Wong Kwok-kin, Hon Ip Wai-ming, Hon Ip Kwok-him, Hon Mrs Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, Dr Hon Pan Pey-chyou, Hon Paul Tse Wai-chun and Dr Hon Samson Tam Wai-ho.

Ends/Friday, May 7, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:09