LegCo Complex Open Call for Artwork Proposals (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     To combine together both the functional and aesthetic characteristics of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Complex and enrich the cultural life of Hong Kong city and the public, LegCo is now implementing the first phase of its Art Acquisition Project to invite artwork proposals for four key locations of the Complex.

     Hon Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, President of LegCo and Chairman of The LegCo Commission (the Commission), together with two other members of the Commission Hon Fred Li Wah-ming and Prof Hon Patrick Lau Sau-shing, as well as Ms Pauline Ng Man-wah, Secretary General of the LegCo Secretariat, held a press briefing today (April 27) to formally introduce the Open Call for artwork proposals.

     Mr Tsang said the construction of the LegCo Complex was scheduled for completion in mid-2011. Aside from having different kinds of facilities to meet the operational needs of LegCo, the Complex should also possess a positive and decent image which would reflect the dignity, solemnity and openness of the Legislature.

     To achieve this, he added, the Commission was of the opinion that the acquisition of artworks for the LegCo Complex by phases would be one of the important and effective means and that as a start, an Open Call for artwork proposals for four key locations of the Complex should be conducted.

     The four key locations are (with photos):

(1) LegCo Square;
(2) Outside Main Lobby, Council Block;
(3) The drum wall in Main Lobby, Council Block; and
(4) The wall above 1/F escalator landing; or a combined feature on the wall above 1/F escalator landing and the adjoining ceiling under 3/F escalator landing platform in Main Lobby, Council Block.

     Mr Tsang said the budget ceiling for the Open Call was estimated to be around HK$6,300,000. In order to tie in with the progress of the construction of the Complex, the commissioned participants will be required to complete the installation of the artworks in May/June 2011.

     All the artwork proposals received will be assessed by an Adjudication Panel, members of which include the Chairman and two other members of the Commission (i.e., Mr Tsang, Mr Li and Prof Lau), international and local experts in public art, representatives from the Tamar Development Project team, the Project Architect and user representatives of the LegCo Complex.

     Mr Tsang pointed out that the Commission did not set out a specific theme for the artwork proposals. Taking into consideration the participants¡¯ visions and artistic skills, the artworks may be in various visual art media and forms. The participants are invited to creatively demonstrate their artistic expression and freedom.

     Prof Lau, one of the Adjudication Panel members, said that the Open Call was very important because it was open to local and international artists to work together. It also provided a precious opportunity for the artists and people interested in art to participate. Mr Li, another Adjudication Panel member, believed that the participants would need to convince the Adjudication Panel that their artworks were relevant to the LegCo in order to allow the Panel to assess their work.

     The Adjudication Panel will select three short-listed proposals for each of the four locations. A subsidy fee of $10,000 will be offered to each short-listed participant for preparation and submission of a detailed design proposal for the second-round selection process. The final decision on the selection of detailed design proposals made by the Panel will be recommended to the Commission for approval and possible commissioning. Participants will be required to carry out the artwork production and installation as set out in their proposals if they are offered the commission.

     The details of four locations and ceiling budget of the artworks are as follows (with photos):

               Artwork Location        Ceiling Budget
Location 1 Free-standing artwork at
           LegCo Square (4m x 6m x 5m)        HK$2.5M
Location 2 Free-standing artwork
           outside Main Lobby,
           Council Block (3m H)                 HK$1M
Location 3 Wall-mounted artwork on
           the drum wall in Main Lobby,
           Council Block (6m x8m)               HK$1M
Location 4 Wall-mounted artwork (10m x 8m)
           at the wall above 1/F escalator
           landing; or a combined feature
           on the wall and its adjoining
           ceiling (10m x 4m) under 3F
           escalator landing platform,
           in Main Lobby, Council Block
                HK$1M for the walled mounted artwork;
                      or $1.8M for a combined feature

     The budget ceiling for each of the four locations is inclusive of all costs and fees incurred directly and indirectly including the artists¡¯ fees, design fees, travel cost, material costs and any other expenses.

     The Call is open to all residents aged 18 or above who possess a valid Hong Kong Identity Card. They may submit proposals as individuals or as members of a team. International participants may also submit proposals provided that at least one member of the art teams is Hong Kong resident who possesses a valid Hong Kong Identity Card. This Call is for new work and existing artworks will not be accepted.

     Those interested in the Open Call are requested to submit their preliminary proposals to the Special Duties Division, Legislative Council Secretariat, 10/F Murray Road Multi-storey Carpark Building, Admiralty, Hong Kong on or before 6pm, June 28, 2010. Please indicate the ¡°Call for Artwork Proposals for the LegCo Complex¡± on the envelope. Participants who are short-listed, selected and/or commissioned will be notified in writing by post.

     Information of the Project and the Artists¡¯ Brief are available from the LegCo website (www.legco.gov.hk/art).  

     For enquiries, please contact the Assistant Curator, Special Duties Division, Legislative Council Secretariat:

Address :  10/F, Murray Road Multi-storey Carpark Building, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
Tel     : (852)2509 9748
E-mail  : pi@legco.gov.hk

    The LegCo Complex, with a total construction floor area of 38 905 square metres, is targeted for completion next year. In addition to the provision of more conference facilities, new facilities such as Exhibition Area, Video Corner, Viewing Gallery, Education Gallery, Education Activities Room, Children¡¯s Corner, LegCo Garden, Cafeteria and Gift Shop, will also be provided.

Ends/Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Issued at HKT 22:29