Territory-wide campaign to promote pedestrian safety

     Police will run a territory-wide pedestrian road safety campaign from tomorrow (March 5) to March 18 to educate pedestrians, in particular senior citizens, on road safety before taking enforcement action against offenders.     

     The two-week campaign will be launched at the ˇ°Elderly Pedestrian Road Safety Campaign Kick-off Ceremony cum Bus Parade in Kwun Tongˇ± at Sau Mau Ming Road Safety Town tomorrow.

     During the first week of the campaign, officers from Police Regional Road Safety Teams will distribute publicity leaflets at various locations throughout the territory, including traffic accident black spots, to enhance pedestrians' road safety awareness and appeal to the public to comply with road traffic regulations.

     Offenders who have committed minor offences may be given verbal warnings in the first week. Stringent enforcement action will be taken to deal with jaywalkers and other pedestrian offenders during the second week.

     A Police spokesman said common pedestrian offences included failing to comply with a light signal on a light signal crossing, and crossing within 15 metres of a footbridge or a pedestrian subway without using such facilities, while climbing over a kerbside fence or through a central reservation onto a carriageway were some of the blatant offences. Police would take enforcement action against all pedestrian offenders, irrespective of their age.

     Police figures revealed that there were 3 534 pedestrian casualties in traffic accidents in 2009, in which 69 persons were killed. Among the deceased, 40 persons or 58 per cent were over the age of 60.

Police Report No.5

Ends/Thursday, March 4, 2010
Issued at HKT 15:36