SFH on medical insurance and human swine flu

     Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, at a media session after attending a radio programme today (March 4):

Reporter: How to ensure insurance company's profits would not be too great? Is there a possibility that the Government will sign an agreement with these insurance companies?

Secretary for Food and Health: We have not decided how to implement this limitation on profit. For the standard insurance that we are proposing, we hope that it will not incur too high administrative fee or profit for the insurance company. But it does not mean they cannot make profit out of other products. In fact, a lot of experiences in overseas countries also allow insurance companies to sell other products to their clients, and this is one of the big reasons why the insurance companies are surviving and also they can actually have a bigger market. As you know the insurance companies do not just make money out of the premium alone, because they collect the premium and a lot of their profits come from investment of that premium money.  

Reporter: For the swine flu situation in Hong Kong, it is already March and we still have not seen another peak. Does that mean we are safe now?

Secretary for Food and Health: It is quite true that we do not see a peak this winter so far and the winter is going to be gone very soon. Whether there will be a peak in later months is difficult to predict. But it is the opinion of our experts that the summer peak would still be something we need to be concerned about. Usually the summer peak will arrive about June and July and that is the usual pattern in Hong Kong.

Reporter: Why did not we see winter peak this season?

Secretary for Food and Health: We do not have a very solid reason that we can explain why the winter peak did not come about. But perhaps one of the more reasonable causes is the long summer peak we have in 2009. Remember that we had the first case in the middle of June and the peak actually started to rise very quickly in July and August. And it did not really come down until early October. According to some of our studies, quite a number of young people already had anti-bodies in their bodies. Perhaps this is the reason why they do not have a wide outspread in our schools in recent months.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Thursday, March 4, 2010
Issued at HKT 12:33