CS and SED lead 2,500 students and teachers on Beijing visit

     A delegation led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, and the Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, will leave for Beijing on Sunday (January 31) to embark on a five-day day event "Passing on the Torch: Exploring and Embracing Chinese Culture" National Education Exchange Programme: Tracing Our Origin in Ancient Cities.

     Mr Tang and Mr Suen are leaders of the delegation which comprises 2,500 secondary school students and teachers. Delegates will first gather in Beijing before proceeding in groups to tour six ancient Chinese cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing, Xian and Zhengzhou.  With visits to cultural and heritage sites, renowned academic institutions and research institutes, museums and big corporations, students can enhance their understanding of the nation¡¯s history and culture, thus cultivating a strong sense of belonging to the country.

     This exchange programme has the largest number of participating students and teachers visiting the Mainland since the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  Led by Mr Tang and Mr Suen, the 2,500-strong delegation will first meet in Beijing and begin the programme at The Great Hall of the People. The delegation will then attend a seminar to deepen their understanding of China¡¯s foreign relations and economic co-operation policy in the Asia Pacific region.  They will also visit the Palace Museum and enjoy arts and cultural programmes.

     Mr Suen will join the Zhengzhou trip between February 2 and 4 and lead the delegates to call on municipal officials. The delegation will also meet teachers and students of local institutions and tour the historical places including the Yellow River, relics from the reign of Emperor Xuan Yuan and the Henan Museum.  The Deputy Secretary for Education, Dr Catherine K K Chan, will accompany him on the trip.

     Back in Hong Kong, delegates will consolidate what they have learnt and put it to good use in project learning activities for sharing with fellow students and teachers on the way forward to help promote national education in schools.

     Mr Suen will return to Hong Kong on February 4.

Ends/Thursday, January 28, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:21