Scientific Committees publish updated recommendations on human swine influenza vaccination

     The Scientific Committees of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (DH) published updated recommendations today (January 22) on the human swine influenza (HSI) vaccination in Hong Kong.

     Further to a joint meeting of three Scientific Committees on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Vaccine Preventable Diseases, and Advanced Data Analysis and Disease Modelling on January 18, the target groups for HSI vaccination were reaffirmed as follows:
- health care workers;
- persons with chronic illnesses and pregnant women;
- children between the age of 6 months and less than 6 years;
- elderly persons aged 65 years or above; and
- pig farmers and slaughterhouse workers.

     A DH spokesman said the Scientific Committees had reaffirmed their recommendations on the HSI vaccination after taking into account the latest scientific data including local disease epidemiology, international experience and World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations.

     "For persons outside the target groups, the Scientific Committees considered that there were uncertainties in risk assessment and an inherent lack of knowledge about the second wave of HSI to arrive at a recommendation for mass vaccination of these persons," the spokesman said.

     "These individuals may choose to receive HSI vaccination based on their own consideration."

     Regarding the case of primary schoolchildren, the Scientific Committees examined local serology data which show that approximately half of the children have adequate antibody levels for HSI.

     "This suggests that a substantial number of primary schoolchildren will already have immunity against HSI infection in the coming second wave. At the present moment, the Scientific Committees do not regard primary schoolchildren as a special target group recommended for HSI vaccination," he said.

     The Scientific Committees' recommendation is subject to review if and when new evidence becomes available.

Ends/Friday, January 22, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:15