Delegation of Antiquities Advisory Board and Advisory Committee on Revitalisation of Historic Buildings visits Guangzhou (with photo)

     A delegation comprising members of the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Advisory Committee on Revitalisation of Historic Buildings (ACRHB) visited Guangzhou on January 11 and 12 and exchanged views with officials and experts from Guangdong Province and Guangzhou.

     Led by the Chairman of both AAB and ACRHB, Mr Bernard Chan, the delegation visited the heritage revitalisation and conservation projects in the city including the Shamian Cluster which is a national heritage conservation unit listed by the State Council, the One-Thousand-Year-Old Street on Beijing Road, Jinlun Guild Hall, Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street, Huang Guanzhang Mansion, Bahe Guild and UN Bookstore, to understand on site the restoration work on these heritage buildings.

     A forum was also held with the Director of the Guangzhou Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage, Mr Long Jiayou; officials of the Heritage Office of the Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipality; and Professor Tang Guohua of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Guangzhou University, to exchange views on the development of revitalisation and conservation projects in the two cities.

     The AAB and ACRHB considered that the valuable Mainland experiences obtained through this visit would make a good reference in future conservation and revitalisation works in Hong Kong.

Ends/Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:18