Alert on soy milk product with high levels of iodine (with photo)

     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (December 24) advised people not to drink a Bonsoy soy milk product which was suspected of containing unusually high levels of iodine.กก

     Australian authorities said Spiral Foods Pty Ltd., the company concerned, was recalling the affected product.

     Details of the product are as follows:
Product name: Bonsoy Soy Milk
Product weight: 1 1itre
Best before: all dates up to and including 3.11.2011     

     Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones, which control several metabolic processes in the human body. However, chronic consumption of high levels of iodine may affect the thyroid gland.

     "The CFS learnt that the concerned product had been imported into Hong Kong. If consumers have bought the product, they should not drink it, and should seek medical advice if they have questions," a CFS spokesman said.

     "The centre has contacted the Australian authorities for further information. We have alerted the trade to stop selling the affected product and are monitoring the situation," he added.

Ends/Thursday, December 24, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:13