LCQ8: Vacant space in public hospitals

     Following is a question by the Hon Andrew Cheng and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (December 2):


     In his Policy Address delivered recently, the Chief Executive has proposed that the Government "will consider making use of the vacant space in public hospitals for additional medical facilities". In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)     of the names of public hospitals where vacant space is currently available and the area of the vacant space in each of these hospitals;

(b)     whether the authorities have decided which vacant spaces in public hospitals will be used for the purpose of additional medical facilities; if they have, of the details; what criteria the authorities have adopted for making such decisions, and whether the medical facilities concerned will be provided for use by private hospitals; and

(c)     whether it has, before putting forward the aforesaid proposal, consulted patient groups, the District Councils concerned and residents in the vicinity of those hospitals?



     We will consider making use of the vacant space in public hospitals for additional medical facilities. Generally, hospitals will reserve certain vacant space during the planning stage for meeting service demand under different situations, such as deployment of facilities for provision of daily service, routine repair and maintenance of facilities, as well as coping with outbreak of public health and emergency incidents. My replies to the Hon Cheng's enquiries are as follows:

(a)  According to the Hospital Authority (HA), there are currently unused vacant spaces in individual hospitals, such as the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Yan Chai Hospital and Castle Peak Hospital, etc. HA has initially planned to demolish and/or redevelop these spaces for other purposes, such as staff quarters and offices, or for provision of temporary services when other works are underway in the hospital.

(b)&(c)  HA has an established mechanism to plan for the development of its services and facilities in the light of a number of factors, such as service utilisation, demographic changes and the change of service demand in different districts. The Government is now considering and identifying suitable vacant spaces in public hospitals for additional medical facilities. We have maintained close communication with patient groups and relevant local organisations on the public healthcare services. We will consult the stakeholders if we have specific plan in future for conversion of vacant space in certain public hospital for additional medical facilities.

Ends/Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Issued at HKT 12:08