Town Planning Board press statement

     The Metro Planning Committee of the Town Planning Board (TPB) considered today (November 20) an application for amendments to the Notes of the approved Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) submitted by 13 non-government organisations/community groups to impose a building height restriction of 77 metres above Principal Datum (mPD) on the former Central Police Station, Victoria Prison and Central Magistracy Compound (CPS Compound) site.

     After very careful consideration, the Committee did not accept the application for two main reasons:

(a) there was adequate control under the Notes of the OZP that any new development on the CPS Compound site would require planning permission from the TPB; and

(b) no assessment was submitted by the applicants to demonstrate that the proposed height limit of 77mPD was appropriate to meet the planning intention and conservation objectives for the CPS Compound site and that such a height would ensure compatibility of the future development with the surrounding environment.

     The Committee noted that through the planning application system, the TPB would retain adequate control over any new development on the CPS Compound site including the use, development intensity, building height, disposition and form as well as integration with the surroundings.  Moreover, the planning application system is open and transparent, and includes publication of the application for public comments.  In discharging its statutory duty, the TPB would duly consider all public comments received when considering any application in respect of new developments on the CPS Compound site.

Ends/Friday, November 20, 2009
Issued at HKT 18:09