HA update on Designated Flu Clinic and admitted human swine influenza patients

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Regarding the services of the eight Designated Flu Clinics (DFCs) and the confirmed human swine influenza patients admitted to public hospitals, the Hospital Authority (HA) spokesman provided the following updates today (September 29):

     The Designated Flu Clinics today (as at 5pm) provide treatment to a total of 956 patients with flu-like symptoms.

     As at 2.30pm today, there were 513 newly confirmed cases of human swine influenza in the past 24 hours.  This brings to 27,500 the total number of confirmed human swine influenza cases in Hong Kong.  Currently, a total of 265 confirmed cases are staying in public hospitals for treatment.  Among them, 244 cases are in stable condition, nine in serious and 12 in critical condition.

     There are three newly confirmed critical cases announced today, including a 38-year-old male patient with diabetes mellitus and renal failure disease in Princess Margaret Hospital, a 24-year-old male patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in Queen Mary Hospital and a 55-year-old male patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and renal failure disease in Queen Elizabeth Hospital.  They developed influenza symptoms between September 25 to 29 and were admitted hospitals for treatment.  The test results for human swine influenza were subsequently confirmed and they were prescribed with Tamiflu and on ventilation support. The hospitals will closely monitor their condition.

     Furthermore, the confirmed cases announced today included 17 staff members of public hospitals (four male and 13 female, including four allied health professionals, four clerks and nine supporting staff).  So far there were 772 HA staff members being confirmed as human swine influenza.  Among them, 616 have already recovered and returned to work.

     The HA spokesman reminded the public that the test for human swine influenza is not routine now because the treatment of patients would not depend on the outcome of the test. Under normal circumstances, both DFCs and Accident & Emergency Departments will only conduct laboratory tests for human swine influenza on the following specific groups of patients:

- Pregnant women
- Children at or under 12-month-old  
- Healthcare workers including staff from residential homes
- Patients living in institutions without outbreak
- Influenza patients with persistent fever (over 38ˇăC) or whose condition deteriorate 48 hours after treatment

Public hospitals and clinics will only prescribe symptom control medication to influenza patients with mild condition.  Patients can consider seeking consultation first with private doctors and clinics.

Ends/Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Issued at HKT 20:05