Housing Department steps up cleaning measures in public housing estates

     The Housing Department (HD) will step up cleaning in all public rental housing (PRH) estates for two weeks following the confirmation of the first cluster of local cases of human swine influenza.

     A spokesman for the HD said today (June 11) that starting tomorrow, cleaning and disinfection with 1:99 diluted bleach would be carried out with increased frequency, as follows:
* entrance gates of domestic blocks - four times daily;
* control panels of lifts/escalators - at least eight times daily;
* refuse rooms and common area - four times weekly;
* playground equipments, recreational facilities - three times daily;
* public toilets - at least eight times daily;
* all refuse/junk collection points - twice daily;
* cleansing of lift lobbies, corridors, staircases in PRH blocks - twice monthly.

     Moreover, clearing of rubbish on canopies, surface sewers and gully traps will continue to be done twice daily.

     "The step up cleaning for all public rental housing estates will take immediate effect tomorrow. We will keep a close watch on the situation to adjust the measures accordingly," the spokesman said.

     To safeguard public rental housing tenants from the threat of human swine flu, the HD has since end of April put into place various measures to strengthen cleaning work in all public rental housing estates. Meanwhile, cleaning measures in the Housing Authority's commercial centres, markets and carparks have also been strengthened.

     "The HD will continue to deter environmental hygiene-related misdeeds through enforcement of the Marking Scheme for Estate Management in public housing estates," the spokesman said.

     The spokesman called on public housing tenants to maintain personal and environmental hygiene, adding that public education has been stepped up through displays on notice boards and messages on the Housing Channel in lift lobbies.

Ends/Thursday, June 11, 2009
Issued at HKT 18:45