Acting SCED expresses deep regret on death of Sek Kin

     Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (June 4) expressed deep regret over the death of Mr Sek Kin.

     "Mr Sek's brilliant career in the performing arts industry started in the 1940s. Since then he devoted lifelong commitment to the industry. He played a villain role in the Wong Fei-hung film series and had become one of the most recognizable faces of Hong Kong cinema. He joined the television sector later and performed in a number of popular television series. In 2003, he won the Professional Achievement Award in the Hong Kong Film Awards.

     "With his death, Hong Kong has lost an outstanding performing arts talent. On behalf of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, I offer our deepest condolence to Mr Sek's family."

Ends/Thursday, June 4, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:18