Hong Kong and Vietnam sign Education Co-operation agreement (with photos)

     The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Ministry of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam) today (April 20) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Education Collaboration to strengthen the co-operation in education between the two places.

     Witnessed by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, and His Excellency Mr Nguyen Tan Dung, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, and the Consul-General of Vietnam in Hong Kong and Macao, Mr Pham Cao Phong, signed the MoU.
     Mr Suen said, ¡°The MoU represents our joint effort towards the objective of strengthening education co-operation.  It will lay the foundation for further collaboration between Hong Kong and Vietnam.¡±

     Based on the MoU with immediate effect, the two places will promote mutual development in education and research.  The two sides will strengthen partnerships and also strategic collaboration that support internationalisation of education and lifelong learning; enhance excellence and creativity in teaching, learning and research; and contribute to professional development in the education sector.

     The main text of the MoU is available on the website of the Education Bureau (http://www.edb.gov.hk).

Ends/Monday, April 20, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:58