CE vows all-out effort on employment (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (January 6) pledged that the Government would spare no effort in helping job seekers by collecting as much information as possible about job market vacancies and enhancing its employment services.

     Mr Tsang's pledge came as he visited a job fair at Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Shui Wai, organised by the Labour Department, to learn more about the needs of job seekers.

     Accompanied by the Commissioner for Labour, Mrs Cherry Tse, Mr Tsang was briefed by representatives of companies participating in the job fair on the requirements for new staff to be recruited as well as their plans to expand despite the economic downturn.

     "While we are suffering from the financial tsunami with increased unemployment and decreased job vacancies, a number of corporations and companies are recruiting new staff to fill existing vacancies. Some of them are even expanding their businesses despite the downturn.

     "The Labour Department receives about 2,000 vacancies from the private sector each working day. I am glad to learn that nearly 40 companies participated in the job fairs today and yesterday, offering more than 4,000 vacancies covering a wide variety of jobs," the Chief Executive said.

     Mr Tsang urged corporations to take into account the needs of their employees and not to consider the option of layoffs lightly. He also encouraged job seekers not to give up on their job search.

     "I've mentioned the importance of preserving people's jobs as we tackle the economic downturn. To achieve this goal, the Government will collect as much information as possible on vacancies in the job market. The Labour Department will enhance its employment services to help job seekers, especially young people and those who face difficulties in finding jobs," he said.

     The job fairs, held at the Hall of Tin Yiu Community Centre, Tin Yiu Estate, brought together 38 companies and offered more than 4,000 vacancies. Today¡¯s job fair was the sixth organised by the Labour Department in Tin Shui Wai since last year.

Ends/Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:11