Hong Kong and Peru sign trade and investment agreement (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mrs Rita Lau, today (November 20, Peru time) signed a Co-operation Arrangement on Trade and Investment Facilitation with Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of the Government of the Republic of Peru, Ms Mercedes Araoz Fernandez.

     The signing ceremony took place at the margins of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation's Ministerial Meeting in Lima, Peru.  

     Mrs Lau was pleased that both sides had successfully concluded the co-operation arrangement following the signing of the Joint Statement on Strengthening Trade and Economic Relations between the two economies on May 30.  

     ¡°The successful signing of the co-operation arrangement will be instrumental in fostering closer trade and economic ties between the two sides,¡± she said, adding that the co-operation arrangement laid the foundation for future discussion of a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between Hong Kong and Peru.

     The Co-operation Arrangement on Trade and Investment Facilitation mainly aims to facilitate and promote bilateral trade in areas such as:
(a)  Exhibition and trade fairs;
(b)  Financial services;
(c)  Investment;
(d)  Tourism;
(e)  Rail, maritime and logistics transportation; and
(f)  Sanitary and phytosanitary measures.

     It also covers co-operation between the two economies in areas of intellectual property rights, customs and competition-related matters, as well as technical assistance and capacity-building in areas of mutual interests.

     Mrs Lau also held a bilateral meeting today with General Director of International Economic Affairs of Chile, Mr Carlos Furche. Both sides have reached an agreement to set up a Joint Feasibility Study Group to examine the proposal of entering into a Hong Kong, China - Chile FTA. The FTA, if signed, will help foster closer economic and trade ties between the two sides.

Ends/Friday, November 21, 2008
Issued at HKT 08:26